Monday 21 April 2014

The gift of dance

I have always danced. It is part of who I am. I remember watching my older sister whirl and jump to her music in the basement and I had to join in. Then it became my thing, I would retreat to the basement and delight myself in the music and the moving of my body. Nightclubs followed and I would invariably show off, because I knew I was worth watching. When I began to trust that Father had something more for me and left that lifestyle, the gift of dancing became private. I had a large, hardwood floor in a suite where I would spin and twirl to worship music. I have since referred to this time as my honeymoon with Jesus, it was divine.  I did not understand it at the time, but there was power within the dance that transformed the atmosphere and me. Twenty some years later dance continues to transform me. It is in the worship dance that I continue to learn the subtle leading of the Spirit. When I dance I often just follow the flow of what my body is doing, not knowing what I will do, just doing it. But more and more I am receiving impressions that might say: ‘spin’, ‘be graceful’, or even ‘go wild’. Or the impression may direct me to kneel, lay down or wave fabric over a certain person.  All of this is wonderful by itself; I enjoy it and others are blessed. But Father has more gifts for me. My day to day life of parenting, keeping house and serving others has been slowly transformed; I am being led by the Spirit in a new way. I am more confident and more reckless in my obedience to such ‘vague’ impressions and words. It is a source of joy to me because years ago I longed for such communication and did not trust it. The Lord of the dance has transformed our intimacy and taught me simple trust and faith in His leading.  I could not have dreamed up a better use for the gift He gave me.

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